The show that once gave Joe Rogan his best-known TV hosting and, more importantly, millions of Americans nightmares based on the challenges contestants had to complete returned to MTV earlier this year to excellent results. Fear Factor, now hosted and executive-produced by Ludacris, had the best premiere rating on that cable network in two years, according to Deadline. It's also the No. 1-rated cable reality show on Tuesdays in the key advertising demographic of 18 to 35-year-old's. Based on those results, as well as the potential for the show's current reputation to continue to grow, news came today about MTV's decision to re-up it's newfound juggernaut for another season.
As per the Deadline report, Ludacris will return to host the death-defying extravaganza again next year, as well as serving another tour of duty as an executive producer. Anthony Carbone, Kevin Wehrenberg, Rob Smith and Robin Feinberg will also continue in their capacities in the latter role for the show, which will see its second season air in 2018. "I'm looking forward to season two of 'Fear Factor' and it being more ludicrous than the first season," the rapper told Variety. "Pun intended." It's a gentler version of the old NBC version of the show, featuring less of an emphasis on gross-out shock value and focusing more on inspirational ways to make contestants face their fears through game that are designed after similar scenes from popular movies, videos games and the like.
It's another headline-grabbing day for Ludacris, who has been in the news recently for a very different reason. His iconic song "Move B***h" was re-worded by anti-Trump protesters and chanted during a rally they had against the President's stance on the Charlottesville decable, including his supposed implication that the White Supremacists that openly hurled racial and anti-semitic epithets at innocent bystanders were not the only ones doing damage to the American culture. Ludacris shared a video of the rally on his Instagram page, using the hashtag "#MoveTrump" as a show of support for the men and women who decided to march that day. Between that and Fear Factor, Luda is making quite an impression these days.