Nollywood actor, Emeka Ike has welcomed a baby girl with his wife. The 56 Years old actor who has been missing in the movie scene for a while took to his social media platforms to make the announcement.
Emeka was seen feeding the newborn baby with baby milk in a bottle. The proud father expressed his gratitude to his wife for gifting him the perfect gift on his birthday.
He wrote: “It’s a double blessing for one loss. Happy Birthday to me and welcome to baby Chidera Comfort Thando Ike. The good LORD has filled the huge vacuum that Mama COMFORT Okwuchi Ike left behind with another COMFORT Chidera T Ike. My family and I are comforted and can’t ask for any better, in these solemn times. Thank you to my beautiful wife for taking the pains, of this wonderful gift”
He further added: “I thank you God!”
See his post below;
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